Florida FCRA Lawyer

Joseph Mack is a Florida FCRA Lawyer who handles cases under the Fair Credit Reporting Act for people anywhere in Florida. We offer no-cost consultations for FCRA matters and if we provide representation, there is no fee unless you win.  We can do this because of fee-shifting under the FCRA, which means that a prevailing consumer is entitled to their reasonable attorneys’ fees. You can read more about fee-shifting here.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act can be used to get incorrect information off of credit reports and file powerful lawsuits for Florida residents who have something on their credit reports or background reports that should not be there. Under the FCRA, you have the right to dispute incorrect or misleading information on your credit reports, and if the credit reporting agencies (generally Experian, TransUnion and Equifax) or the businesses providing the incorrect or misleading information to the credit reporting agencies do not stop the reporting, there is often a good lawsuit that can be filed. Please contact us for a free consultation if you live anywhere in Florida and are experiencing any of the following:

– You have been a victim of identity theft and a bank, credit card company or other business is saying you owe money for something you didn’t authorize.

– There is incorrect information on your credit report, which includes:

  • A debt collector or business puts an alleged debt on your credit report which you don’t owe;
  • Mixed file cases under the FCRA where a credit reporting agency like Experian, TransUnion or Equifax puts information from someone else on your credit report;
  • Someone is reporting debt that is over 7 years old.

– Someone has performed a hard credit pull on you without your permission or a legitimate business purpose (also called an unauthorized hard credit inquiry).

– There is false information about you on a background check.

If you are experiencing any of the above situations, please fill out the contact form below and someone will reach out to you about your issue. If you haven’t already, you can check your credit reports for free at www.annualcreditreport.com once a week.  Here’s a guide for how to do that and to download and save a copy of your credit reports on iPhone/iOS.